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Polish Culture

zweisprachige Monatsschrift, Hrsg. Komponistenverband; Auflage 620 deutsch-polnisch,

7500 englisch-polnisch, Preis 20 Zloty, 70 Seiten

Qubus Hotel Magazine

Zweimonatsschrift der Hotelkette auf Englisch, Polnisch und Deutsch, Hrsg. Businesspress

Foreign language teaching in Poland

Powszechnosc nauczania jezykow obcych

published by Teacher's Training Centre CODN (Centralny Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli), Al. Ujazdowskie 28, Warsaw


50 pages

Polnisch in 4 Wochen

(Polish in 4 weeks, student's book + CD)

Publishing House Rea, Warsaw 2003, 460 pages

Basic Polish course for German speakers. All polish dialogs are translated into German. Every lesson has a vocabulary list, grammar explanation, exercises (key at book's end). There is an English Version too.

ISBN 83-7141-530-3

homepage of the Polish Foreign Office

720 pages

Fantastisch! student's book German language for Polish grammer school

180 pages

ISBN 83-7141-374-2

Dorota Monkiewicz (National Museum)

Kommunikat and Critic Art  -

About the idea of the exhibition

"Semiotic Landscape" as part of

Poland's Year in Austria 2002

Elzieta Jasinska-Jadrosz

Karol Szymanowski - Portret


24 pages 24 x 28 cm

ISBN 83-88814-92-3

What where When

free mounthly for Poland-Tourists

editions for Warsaw, Gdansk, Krakow  

size A 4

Conferences in Poland

Publishing House "Linia" Ldt.

Warsaw 2003

6th edition, improved and enlarged

260 pages

ISBN 83-85151-69-4
